As wall covering of buildings, factories, cold storage, clean rooms, warehouses, exhibition halls, gymnasiums ...
Superior characteristics:
Panel drop ceiling with EPS insulation, sound insulation superior to traditional products;
-With Two religiously sealed by the panel EPS should drop ceiling caught fire resistant, anti-fire spread effectively;
Light ceiling should completely replace the ceiling types such as plaster, plastic foam ceiling ...
EPS ceiling panel released by healthy people can go back to the top is easy to install air conditioning systems, ventilation, electrical systems, fire hydrant .....
Drop panel ceiling with bright colors and EPS fastness of up to 20-30 years without repainting.
Ceiling panels drop by 50-70% EPS saves power cooling capability by good insulation;
Drop panel ceiling with high aesthetic EPS.
Drop panel ceiling by EPS is reused repeatedly having to dismantle, move.
Drop panel ceiling with aluminum fittings EPS system fully synchronized accompaniment;
- MHTEC provide ceiling panels, accessories, aluminum, construction and installation of complete ceiling system Panel drop in EPS.
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